So what’s the common way of life with resolutions? Wait till the beginning of the year to make that weight loss goal after gaining 10 extra pounds from the holidays and stick with it for about 4-6 weeks then fall off? I got a crazy idea, how about we break this cycle and do something that will be affective for you and your body? Let’s make the resolution right now!
Typically this time of year many people stop working out and focus on the “holidays” and cherish the excuse that starting in January they are going to make some changes with their exercise and nutrition routine. This is the completely wrong mindset and here is why; first off why stop working out and eating right for the 3 days they call “holidays”? Yes, family and work functions also increase and holiday goodies are put on display but does that mean for the 97% of the meals outside of these functions can’t be dialed in with good nutrition? Second, why would you wait till the New Years when you are 10 pounds heavier to start a routine? Ever hear people say, “The last 10lbs is always the hardest”? So then why would you put that 10lbs on just to struggle that much more taking it off? That's why the average person gains 5-10lbs per year!
So here is a crazy thought, step outside the box and make your resolution now! A resolution simply is a FIRM decision to do or not to do something and set up an action plan. Why wait and give yourself more work to do later, but start now with a firm and scheduled routine to make the right choices. Guaranteed you will be more happy with yourself through the holidays and will step into the New Year’s already a new person.
Want help putting together your Resolution? Email Scott to develop a precise and realistic plan!