Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Success comes from Inside

    Ever wonder why one workout was better than another?  Could it be that you did Burpees, had your best friend with you, worked out with your favorite trainer,slept a full night’s sleep, ate regularly before, or was just a fluke?  Any of these could actually be part of the answer but not the underlying one.  The reason one workout rocked more than another is your mental readiness.            
                Think back to that last good workout you had, you were ready for it for a certain reason; might have been someone or something that triggered it but inside you were positive and mentally prepared to rock that workout.  Now who’s to say you can’t have a workout that kicks “booty”  every time?  All it takes is some mental readiness.  So how do you get to this state?  Hey, I’m  glad you asked.  Here are a few pointers:

1.       Evaluate why you are there.  Are you there to look good in skinny jeans or just be able to climb 2 flights of stairs without stopping half way, whatever it is you need to realize each and every time what you want to accomplish.
2.       Know that your sacrifice will pay off.  To everyone time is of the essence.  Be excited that what you are doing there is benefiting you 10 times over.
3.       Be willing to give each session your all.  Before stepping into the fitness facility leave everything else at the door and prepare to dominate.  A little self talk can go along way to pump yourself up.  Use famous motivational quotes or just something a friend said to inspire you.  “Go The Distance,” a classic quote from field of dreams but so appropriate.
4.       Music plays a large role.  Semi-Charm kind of life by Third eye blind gets me excited and hyper everytime.  So does Eye of The Tiger, each time I hear these songs I can’t stop moving until they are out of my head.  What are your songs?
5.       Believe in yourself!  Hands down the most important.  Often people set themselves up for failure by using words like “can’t, “don’t”, won’t”.  Contractions are the enemy, stop using them and realize your full potential.  “I can do it; I will do it!”

Let’s make this next workout ROCK!  Use these tips to walk in prepared both physically and mentally.  Better workouts make better results!

      Get Charged!

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