Tuesday, September 17, 2013

It's 90% physical, the other Half is Mental...

    Although this is a famous quote from Yogi Berra about baseball the same holds true to Weight Loss. Yes I know 90 plus 90 is 180% but if that is where you get stuck with this quote than you are missing the point. Weight Loss, specifically weight loss from body fat, requires quite a bit of physical labor from putting in the boot camps, adding the additional high intensity aerobics, pre-making meals, and keeping updated journals of food and activity. The problem is to be focused and disciplined enough to keep these tasks consistent takes just as much mental ability and concentration as does the actual physical part of it. If you are not mentally focused and giving weight loss a high priority than you will fail. Here are 5 things you can do to help keep yourself focused and successful:

1. Be Positive – Towards yourself and others. When you are positive, results around you are positive, period.

2. Never say “I can’t” – Automatic failure, do not pass go, do not drop weight. Know that anything you do can be accomplished!

3. Use Visual aids – Put up little notes or pictures to remind you of your goals and to keep focused. Some might write their goal weight on the mirror, others might write out their meal plan and post it on the fridge. Be creative with this one.

4. Focus breathing – Practice meditation daily. This will help you put all your thoughts in order and regroup each day. 

5. Face your fears - Continue to challenge yourself. Sitting back in workouts never progressing up in weight or tempo will get you nowhere. Routine is what got you out of shape to begin with, let’s step it up and push ourselves to new levels.

Now let’s gather up some mental toughness and get out there and see some results!  I believe in you, it’s about time you do as well!