Thursday, September 11, 2014

Which person are you?

"The average do what they can, the successful make it happen"
                                                                     ~Scott Graham
                                                                       Legendary Fitness Trainer
Who's to say what actually could be done?  If you always stop at what you believe you can do, you will never reach what you could do.  Just because you've set out before to accomplish a goal such as 25lbs of weight loss and you pulled up short doesn't mean it isn't possible or that you shouldn't attempt it again.  Where would this world be today if that is how everything was done?

Take the greatest athletes and minds of all time:  Michael Jordan - A lifetime 49% shooter.  That means he misses 1 for every 2 shots he takes yet he's regarded has the most successful basketball player of all time.  Ty Cobb - The most successful hitter in baseball history yet he only got a hit just above 1 out of every 3 at bats!  Thomas Edison - One of histories greatest inventors yet he failed thousands of times before creating the light bulb.  Albert Einstein - Regarded as one of the greatest minds of all time yet he couldn't speak until he was 4 years old or read until the age of 7.  Henry Ford - Inventor of the famous Model T.  Henry Ford went broke 5 times before finally reaching this historic model and base for today's automobile. 

I get it, life's a challenge.  Your life is filled with all sorts of time occupying tasks and set backs.  How's that different from the person who dropped 50 pounds however?  Here is my challenge to you, take a few minutes and ask yourself where would you like your health/fitness levels to be in 1 year?  Write that down, now again ask yourself what it will take to accomplish this and write that down.  Now that we have a goal, there is your objective!  However you need to break it down even further and focus on 1 month at a time, for example, if your goal is to drop 50 lbs in 1 year that is roughly 1 lb/wk or 4-5lbs/mo.  So breaking it down would be over the next month to lose 5lbs by going to S.H.R.E.D. boot camp 4 days a week for 30 minutes and 4 sessions of high intensity interval cardio for 20 minutes.  Bam, now follow through with it.

One of the biggest reasons beyond goal setting people succeed is having support.  That is why I am here for each and everyone of you.  I care about your health and want to see you succeed.  So any questions or need help with anything along your targeted goal just hit me up at

Monday, February 17, 2014

Resolve the Resolution

       Well it's that time of the year when the all so recent resolution you were so die hard to set and actually accomplish this year falls apart.  Well here's an idea, don't let it!  If you are tired of starting up over and over again then it's time to not quit and I'm going to tell you how.  Whatever the outcome you are looking for be it weight loss, boost energy, increase strength, drop love handles, maximize sex appeal, or all of the above you must first create the action.  Without action there is no outcome, period.  Even more so you must create an action that is sustainable for the duration until your goal is reached.  Sorry crash dieting, 3hr gym sessions, detox wraps, or whatever crazy idea that you cannot maintain the rest of your life is a waste of time.  Ask anyone who has tried one only to be more fatigued and fatter than they were before they started it.  So what works?  Easy, follow these 3 steps to get started…

1.        Develop consistent workout regimen.   Workouts need to be efficient, not long.  A great workout is no longer than 60 minutes TOPS.  Combines both strength and aerobic exercise, little rest, and high intensity bouts.  e.g.  Adrenaline Fitness' 30 minute boot camp followed with 15 minutes of hill sprints or interval stairs with a 10min cool down period of stretching.  BAM, just crushed a great workout, do this 3-5x/wk and you will see great results while able to maintain this long term.

2.       Meal Plan, meal plan, meal plan.  Set aside 20 minutes every Sunday to plan out your eating schedule and menu for the week.  Set routine trips to the grocery store to have these foods you need in stock .  Don’t forget to plan for cooking days, it’s easiest to have two days you bulk cook meats, brown rice, sweet potatoes, etc. 

3.       Convert those around you.  If your goal is to change the way you are yet the people you surround yourself do not, there will become a problem.  Might as well count the days till you give up and go back to doing what everyone else is.  Cook healthy for the family, encourage spouses and friends to go with you to boot camp, challenge the kids to be active and spend less in front of the TV or gaming system. 

         Of course you can just do what you do every year but how’s that worked for you?  If you are already losing interest in the goal you set so passionately only a few weeks back then obviously it’s time to try something else.  Don't wait till next year because you'll only be heavier/less happy the longer you put it off.  Why not listen to a professional in the field (me) and put these steps into play.  Those that do are glad they did because they are 80% more efficient and successful.