Thursday, September 11, 2014

Which person are you?

"The average do what they can, the successful make it happen"
                                                                     ~Scott Graham
                                                                       Legendary Fitness Trainer
Who's to say what actually could be done?  If you always stop at what you believe you can do, you will never reach what you could do.  Just because you've set out before to accomplish a goal such as 25lbs of weight loss and you pulled up short doesn't mean it isn't possible or that you shouldn't attempt it again.  Where would this world be today if that is how everything was done?

Take the greatest athletes and minds of all time:  Michael Jordan - A lifetime 49% shooter.  That means he misses 1 for every 2 shots he takes yet he's regarded has the most successful basketball player of all time.  Ty Cobb - The most successful hitter in baseball history yet he only got a hit just above 1 out of every 3 at bats!  Thomas Edison - One of histories greatest inventors yet he failed thousands of times before creating the light bulb.  Albert Einstein - Regarded as one of the greatest minds of all time yet he couldn't speak until he was 4 years old or read until the age of 7.  Henry Ford - Inventor of the famous Model T.  Henry Ford went broke 5 times before finally reaching this historic model and base for today's automobile. 

I get it, life's a challenge.  Your life is filled with all sorts of time occupying tasks and set backs.  How's that different from the person who dropped 50 pounds however?  Here is my challenge to you, take a few minutes and ask yourself where would you like your health/fitness levels to be in 1 year?  Write that down, now again ask yourself what it will take to accomplish this and write that down.  Now that we have a goal, there is your objective!  However you need to break it down even further and focus on 1 month at a time, for example, if your goal is to drop 50 lbs in 1 year that is roughly 1 lb/wk or 4-5lbs/mo.  So breaking it down would be over the next month to lose 5lbs by going to S.H.R.E.D. boot camp 4 days a week for 30 minutes and 4 sessions of high intensity interval cardio for 20 minutes.  Bam, now follow through with it.

One of the biggest reasons beyond goal setting people succeed is having support.  That is why I am here for each and everyone of you.  I care about your health and want to see you succeed.  So any questions or need help with anything along your targeted goal just hit me up at

Monday, February 17, 2014

Resolve the Resolution

       Well it's that time of the year when the all so recent resolution you were so die hard to set and actually accomplish this year falls apart.  Well here's an idea, don't let it!  If you are tired of starting up over and over again then it's time to not quit and I'm going to tell you how.  Whatever the outcome you are looking for be it weight loss, boost energy, increase strength, drop love handles, maximize sex appeal, or all of the above you must first create the action.  Without action there is no outcome, period.  Even more so you must create an action that is sustainable for the duration until your goal is reached.  Sorry crash dieting, 3hr gym sessions, detox wraps, or whatever crazy idea that you cannot maintain the rest of your life is a waste of time.  Ask anyone who has tried one only to be more fatigued and fatter than they were before they started it.  So what works?  Easy, follow these 3 steps to get started…

1.        Develop consistent workout regimen.   Workouts need to be efficient, not long.  A great workout is no longer than 60 minutes TOPS.  Combines both strength and aerobic exercise, little rest, and high intensity bouts.  e.g.  Adrenaline Fitness' 30 minute boot camp followed with 15 minutes of hill sprints or interval stairs with a 10min cool down period of stretching.  BAM, just crushed a great workout, do this 3-5x/wk and you will see great results while able to maintain this long term.

2.       Meal Plan, meal plan, meal plan.  Set aside 20 minutes every Sunday to plan out your eating schedule and menu for the week.  Set routine trips to the grocery store to have these foods you need in stock .  Don’t forget to plan for cooking days, it’s easiest to have two days you bulk cook meats, brown rice, sweet potatoes, etc. 

3.       Convert those around you.  If your goal is to change the way you are yet the people you surround yourself do not, there will become a problem.  Might as well count the days till you give up and go back to doing what everyone else is.  Cook healthy for the family, encourage spouses and friends to go with you to boot camp, challenge the kids to be active and spend less in front of the TV or gaming system. 

         Of course you can just do what you do every year but how’s that worked for you?  If you are already losing interest in the goal you set so passionately only a few weeks back then obviously it’s time to try something else.  Don't wait till next year because you'll only be heavier/less happy the longer you put it off.  Why not listen to a professional in the field (me) and put these steps into play.  Those that do are glad they did because they are 80% more efficient and successful. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Is Alcohol Weight Loss's Enemy?

YES, YES, YES! Too many times people come to me and can’t figure out why they are not losing weight even though they have a solid exercise routine and eat the right foods. When we sit down to do a food journal it’s quickly realized their weak link, alcohol. Alcohol, plain and simple, will affect weight loss and here is why:

  1. Alcohol is metabolized differently than Carbs, Fats, or Proteins. Alcohol, because it cannot be stored, absorbs almost instantly and bypasses the digestion process. It takes priority over the body and stops any nutrients from absorbing. When it enters the liver, the liver than stops metabolizing fatty acids and focuses only on the alcohol. In short, alcohol prevents your body from weight loss because it stops the processes of burning fat and absorbing nutrients.
  2. Alcohol is a diuretic meaning it depletes fluids from your body. We all know how important water is to the function and efficiencies of our body, therefore affecting weight loss. If you need a refresher on the value of fluids click here.
  3. Alcohol is 7 calories per gram. Furthermore this is 7 empty calories per gram. A shot of alcohol is roughly 90 calories (not to mention any calories in the sugary mixers), 12oz beer about 150 calories, and glass of wine (by rule is 5oz) is 106 calories. When on a restrictive diet, every calorie counts and should be full of a high nutrient value. Filling body with empty calories will not only allow your body to get the incorrect amount of nutrients but will slow down the metabolism due to this reason.
  4. Alcohol directly affects the depth of sleep. Without getting a deep sleep, this in turn affects recovery of your body from exercise and also increases the stress hormones within your body. 
Of course I am not telling you to cut out drinking alcohol altogether, but I am saying that to see the best results with the hard effort you are putting into your exercise and nutrition regiment, it’s best to leave the alcohol out. Weight loss isn’t a “forever” thing, so set a goal to limit your alcohol intake for a limited period of time, maybe 3 to 4 weeks and see how much of a difference it affects your fat burning program. Of course when you start consuming again, keep it in moderation so the weight won’t pack back on.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Don't Wait to start your Resolution

    So what’s the common way of life with resolutions? Wait till the beginning of the year to make that weight loss goal after gaining 10 extra pounds from the holidays and stick with it for about 4-6 weeks then fall off?  I got a crazy idea, how about we break this cycle and do something that will be affective for you and your body?   Let’s make the resolution right now!
    Typically this time of year many people stop working out and focus on the “holidays” and cherish the excuse that starting in January they are going to make some changes with their exercise and nutrition routine. This is the completely wrong mindset and here is why;  first off why stop working out and eating right for the 3 days they call “holidays”?   Yes, family and work functions also increase and holiday goodies are put on display but does that mean for the 97% of the meals outside of these functions can’t be dialed in with good nutrition?   Second, why would you wait till the New Years when you are 10 pounds heavier to start a routine?   Ever hear people say, “The last 10lbs is always the hardest”?   So then why would you put that 10lbs on just to struggle that much more taking it off?  That's why the average person gains 5-10lbs per year! 
    So here is a crazy thought, step outside the box and make your resolution now! A resolution simply is a FIRM decision to do or not to do something and set up an action plan.   Why wait and give yourself more work to do later, but start now with a firm and scheduled routine to make the right choices.   Guaranteed you will be more happy with yourself through the holidays and will step into the New Year’s already a new person.

Want help putting together your Resolution? Email Scott to develop a precise and realistic plan!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

It's 90% physical, the other Half is Mental...

    Although this is a famous quote from Yogi Berra about baseball the same holds true to Weight Loss. Yes I know 90 plus 90 is 180% but if that is where you get stuck with this quote than you are missing the point. Weight Loss, specifically weight loss from body fat, requires quite a bit of physical labor from putting in the boot camps, adding the additional high intensity aerobics, pre-making meals, and keeping updated journals of food and activity. The problem is to be focused and disciplined enough to keep these tasks consistent takes just as much mental ability and concentration as does the actual physical part of it. If you are not mentally focused and giving weight loss a high priority than you will fail. Here are 5 things you can do to help keep yourself focused and successful:

1. Be Positive – Towards yourself and others. When you are positive, results around you are positive, period.

2. Never say “I can’t” – Automatic failure, do not pass go, do not drop weight. Know that anything you do can be accomplished!

3. Use Visual aids – Put up little notes or pictures to remind you of your goals and to keep focused. Some might write their goal weight on the mirror, others might write out their meal plan and post it on the fridge. Be creative with this one.

4. Focus breathing – Practice meditation daily. This will help you put all your thoughts in order and regroup each day. 

5. Face your fears - Continue to challenge yourself. Sitting back in workouts never progressing up in weight or tempo will get you nowhere. Routine is what got you out of shape to begin with, let’s step it up and push ourselves to new levels.

Now let’s gather up some mental toughness and get out there and see some results!  I believe in you, it’s about time you do as well!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

How Important is Water Intake?

How critical is water consumption? The body is comprised of ¾ water. It allows your body to run more fluently taking stress off of the heart and body’s functions such as joint mobility.
According to the American College of Sports Medicine, 96 ounces of water should adequately keep a typical person hydrated. For every 25 pounds of weight an individual is over their ideal body weight, they should drink an additional 8 ounces. Water should be increased even further due to hot weather or vigorous exercise as well.

As to why this amount of water is required for weight loss, water...
~Increases metabolic function
~Improves hormone function
~Decreases appetite
~Increases the use of fat for energy
~Improved liver function
~Decreases fluid retention

In short, without proper water consumption you will not lose Body Fat. Also know 2 out of every 3 Americans wake up dehydrated so start your day out right with a glass or two of tasty refreshment!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

21 Day Challenge!!

Here it is, I'm challenging you! For the next 21 days, starting on July 1st, I want you to set a SMART goal and work towards it. That is a goal that is specific, measurable, action oriented, reachable/realistic, and is timed. So today think about what you would like to accomplish in the next three weeks; it could be anything from losing 6lbs, increasing to the "purple" kettlebells, dropping 1% bodyfat, or the ability to jog for 3 miles without stopping to name just a few. There is no limit to your goal, just make sure to follow the SMART structure when creating it. That means you can't just set a goal to lose weight, you must also include how much weight and what you will do to accomplish that. When you've done that evaluate it and make sure it is realistic and very specific. As far as timed, i've done that for you; you have 3wks!

Don't take for granted that you have access to a highly qualified and gifted trainer(toot toot goes my own horn:), ask questions and listen to instruction during training sessions. Also let me know what your goal is by writing it down and bringing it in our emailing me, I will help keep you on track!

Ready, Set, GO!