Thursday, June 27, 2013

21 Day Challenge!!

Here it is, I'm challenging you! For the next 21 days, starting on July 1st, I want you to set a SMART goal and work towards it. That is a goal that is specific, measurable, action oriented, reachable/realistic, and is timed. So today think about what you would like to accomplish in the next three weeks; it could be anything from losing 6lbs, increasing to the "purple" kettlebells, dropping 1% bodyfat, or the ability to jog for 3 miles without stopping to name just a few. There is no limit to your goal, just make sure to follow the SMART structure when creating it. That means you can't just set a goal to lose weight, you must also include how much weight and what you will do to accomplish that. When you've done that evaluate it and make sure it is realistic and very specific. As far as timed, i've done that for you; you have 3wks!

Don't take for granted that you have access to a highly qualified and gifted trainer(toot toot goes my own horn:), ask questions and listen to instruction during training sessions. Also let me know what your goal is by writing it down and bringing it in our emailing me, I will help keep you on track!

Ready, Set, GO!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

How To Get into: SHAPE

Did you think that by continuing to drink two glasses of wine every evening and exercising 1 day a week walking your dog while stopping at every tree around the block to let him pee would allow you to lose 10 pounds in two weeks? To see truly great results require truly great effort. Clean out the fridge and cabinets, get off your keister, and start making changes that are suitable to what you want to accomplish. Of course if your goal is to gain fat while becoming increasingly sluggish then go ahead, continue those bad habits. If your mind thinks like equations, then here is a good one for you:
“Sweat plus sacrifice equals success” ~Charles O. Finley

High Intensity Interval Training
HIIT is proven one of the most effective ways to shed fat and tone up. Recent studies have actually shown HIIT to require about half the time of “normal” type training to reach the desired results.  Adrenaline Fitness' Boot Camps offer this type of training in a professional and safe environment to elicit maximum results. Where most “aerobic classes” over time tend to plateau results, Adrenaline Fitness allows a consistent means to see success over the long term.

The most occurred reason for failure is lack of responsibility. Using a trainer or health coach is one of the smartest things a person can do to accomplish his/her goals because it increases the liability towards that accomplishment. Add a group atmosphere to the training, surrounding one with peers with similar goals and the opportunity for success goes up exponentially.

Here is where your basic yo-yoer crumbles. Persistence is the state of continuing or repeating a behavior over a period of time. Missing weeks of training or taking whole weekends off of your meal plan is not conducive to obtaining your goals. Develop a regiment and stick to it. Our job as trainers is to keep the workouts fun and ever changing so they don’t become boring and incline you to continue to show up. Your job is to trust us and follow our plan even when we are not around.

A negative or doubtful attitude has never gotten anyone anywhere. Being positive actually drives energy and energy yields the opportunity for results. You need to be very specific and positive in your goals. If you want to drop 10lbs, be excited about it because you know you will do it.  There are no “maybes” or “we’ll see”. Visualize how you will look and feel when you accomplish your goal.  Seeing yourself tone and looking good in that new pair of jeans or swimsuit will go a long ways.
By following the S.H.A.P.E. you set yourself for a WIN.  Another very useful resource is Adrenaline Fitness' Facebook page.  You'll find lots of great info to help drive your motivation.